some easy first fixes

in order to get the ball rolling there are a few things one can do right away; small things with big results.

the first thing i noticed was that as soon as i quit throwing my gum and cigarette butts out the window, my life was magically enhanced. Mother Earth is not a garbage dump and doesn't appreciate being treated like one. the instant reaction to this action of mine was that my 7th chakra began going through an extreme transformation which manifested itself physically: it felt like the top of my scalp was lifting off.

the next easy fix involved looking out for the little things in regards to my body. after pulverizing my index finger one night with a serrated knife blade and watching the blood gush and literally make a pool in the sink, i decided to reevaluate some things.

for instance, it's always best to use a pot holder when pulling baked potatoes out of the oven. i have the scars to prove it. it's best to use a pot holder for anything that's hot.

it's also best to use some sort of utensil when extracting pasta from a boiling hot pot of water. as opposed to fingers. unplugging toasters before digging out toast is another given.

these little things can go a long way. once your body stops bracing itself constantly for yet another injury, it can relax, and when it does you may find yourself skidding to a halt. worse and serious ailments may surface. take it in stride. relax, heal, get well. sleep, eat, read. add prayer and you can write yet another piece of sentimental shmuck and get it published and get rich. i'm really not jealous. i'm just dumbfounded.

easy peasy.

see you next time,