summer in earnest

cool summer mornings. it's easy to live this way. 5:30, maquena thumps her tail lightly where she lies curled beside me on the bed. early, yet, for their breakfast but i comply; their owners will have to make adjustments when they return.

yesterday J brought over his new swimming pool and since the owners of this house ride bikes, there was a pump. still it took a long time. but finally, ta-da! and even the whale had air and we attached the hose and water sprinkled out of his nose. fun!

but first a tour of the house, and going down the stairs to check out the basement J says: careful! it's steep! once down, he spies all the lights and i lift him up to pull each one's string. satisfied, we go back upstairs so he can check out the fridge. "pickes," he says. "don't like them."

he plays in the pool, waters the flowers, picks carrots, washes them off, eats them. everything, everything, should be this easy.

but it's not. the oil well is capped, supposedly, after 80-some million gallons have gushed into the ocean. or is it billions. was it goldman sachs whose profit was 80 million and the oil billion? the numbers are all so large. it's why we've lost track.

follow the money it's said, but it's practically impossible. who knows how to? we'll have 35 million people unemployed here soon. is that including the 700,000 census workers soon to be laid off? ah, but what's 700,000? hundreds of thousands of anything barely register anymore.

but later this morning i'll pick J up and we'll spend a bit more time at my place in the pool and we'll do some of their laundry and have some lunch and i'll take him back home. then i suppose i'll need yet another nap and then later in the afternoon the dogs and i are going back across town for the weekend to supervise a large and productive and organized (by me ;) work party which will result in the landscaping being basically conquered. it's going to be so beautiful when it's done.

see you next time,